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Slocomb Elementary

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ALL transportation changes should be requested by the parent/guardian by sending a note or a signed fax to (334) 886-9842 before 1:00 p.m.

Phone calls can't be accepted for check-outs and/or transportation changes due to safety concerns. 

Students may not be checked out after 2:00 without the principal/designee's approval. 




Please be aware that eating and drinking on the buses is not permitted. 


Por favor, tengan en cuenta que comer y beber en el autobus no es permitido.


Bus Number

Bus Driver

Bus Mascot


Quincy Brown

crab - cangrejo


Dennis Collins



Jake Allen

 seal - foca


Kandance Smith



Charles Coker

fox - zorro


Johnny Segrest

seahorse - caballo de mar 


Lisa Jenkins

owl - el búho


Terri Blount

kangaroo- canguro


Heather Hall

hawk - el halcón


Tim Eubanks

rabbit - conejo 


Karen Lunsford

bat - murcielago


Chip Pollard

dino - dinasaurio

School Bus Code of Conduct


Each transported student has the right to a safe and enjoyable ride to and from school which is free from intimidation, threat, or harassment. Good conduct of all transported students while waiting for the school bus and while traveling to and from school is necessary for a safe and enjoyable ride for all students. Geneva County School buses are an extension of Geneva County Schools. These behavior guidelines will apply to all transported students while on the school bus.


• Each individual student, as well as his/her parent(s)/guardian(s), is responsible for the behavior of that student while on the school bus.

• Transportation service is a privilege, not a right, which is granted to the student contingent upon the exhibition of proper behavior.

• A student's eligibility to ride the school bus may be suspended or revoked for a violation of school bus safety or conduct policies, or for violation of any other law or policy governing student conduct on a school bus.

• Parents of transported students will be held responsible for their children until the student boards the school bus in the morning and after the child leaves the bus at the end of the school day.

• Parents also share responsibility with the child for his/her conduct while in the school bus and while in loading or unloading areas.

• Students who are involved in serious or repeated incidents of unacceptable student conduct on the school bus will have their riding privileges suspended or revoked.

• The parent(s)/guardian(s) of a student suspended from transportation is responsible for ensuring that the student travels safely to and from school.

• The Geneva County School System will not provide alternative transportation to a student whose transportation privileges have been suspended or revoked.

• In addition, unacceptable conduct on the school bus or at the school bus stop may result in suspension or expulsion from school.

• Buses are NOT to stop for parents/guardians that need to change the pick-up/drop-off point for their child/children.

• Due to safety concerns, BALLOONS, such as those received for birthdays, Valentine's Day, or special occasions are not permitted on Geneva County School buses.


Please refer to your child's handbook for offenses and their consequences.

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