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Community Characteristics and Demographic Data

The town of Slocomb was established in 1898 in a “piney wilderness”.  Will and Frank Slocomb established a turpentine industry here when the Central Georgia railroad came through this area.  At the turn of the century the major industries were turpentine, crossties, and lumber.  Prior to settlement, the Creek Nation of Indians occupied this region of southeast Alabama.

Slocomb Elementary School (SES) is a part of the Geneva County School System and is located in the far east section of Geneva County and designated by the Geneva County Commission as District 1. (See attached map A)  District 1 includes the City of Slocomb, the town of Malvern and the community of Fadette, as well as the outer rural areas.  The physical location of SES is within the City of Slocomb, which has a population of 2,015.  The overall population of District 1 is 6,415.  (District Statistic Report, July, 2001)  Of the 6415 population, African-Americans are represented with 609 (9.49%), Caucasians are represented with 5,613 (87.50%), and Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans are represented with 193 (3.1%).  1728 of this population is under the voting age of 18.

The major industries of Slocomb are agriculture and textiles.  District 1 is predominantly agricultural with major crops of peanuts, corn, soybeans and produce in season.  Slocomb is well known for growing the best tomatoes in the entire world.  Our annual Tomato Festival is in June. 

The City of Slocomb commemorated its 100th year in 2001 with the establishment of Centennial Park and the construction of a large gazebo for public gatherings.  A one-quarter (1/4) mile walking trail has since been added to the park.  The most recent addition is the construction of a new East Geneva County Senior Citizens facility located across from Centennial Park.

The City of Dothan is the nearest major city to Slocomb and has a population of 70,753 (Census Bureau, 2022).  Many people from Slocomb commute to Dothan to work each day. Dothan has a wide variety of places for shopping, eating, entertainment and health care. Dothan is located approximately fifteen (15) miles east of Slocomb in adjoining Houston County.  Alabama Highway 52 is the connecting highway from Dothan to Malvern and Slocomb.  A four-lane project is underway between the cities.  

Slocomb School’s sports teams are called the Slocomb Red Tops.  The name of Red Tops originated in the early days of the first organized school football team.  According to rumor, the team sprayed their helmets red.  During one particular game, our team was doing very well when a spectator cried, “Look at those red tops go!”  Our mascot is an Indian, chosen for the Creek Indian tribe who once inhabited the land where Slocomb is now located.

Student and School Characteristics and Demographic Data

Slocomb Elementary School is a rural public elementary school.  Slocomb School was established in 1901.  Three years later a wooden school was built on the public square.  In 1925 a new structure was built at the intersection of Hwy 52 and Hemby Street.   The present structure was completed in January, 2001.  This is a modern, brick building housing grades kindergarten through third.  The building also contains the administrative offices, guidance office, nurse’s office, and the special service classes.  The building was built between and joined to the previously existing library and lunchroom.  Grades four and five, the computer lab and gifted class are located in previously built classrooms in back of and on the sides of the new building.  Students can walk from these classes to the new building under covered walkways.

Slocomb is a K-5 school with one principal, 550 students, and approximately fifty-four personnel.  A summary of student and community demographic data is included in Appendix C.  The number of eligible students for free and reduced price lunches at the end of December 2004 was 296 (255 free/41 reduced) which represents 54% based on the school enrollment of 550.  Of the 550 students, 459 (83.45%) are Caucasian, 65 (11.82%) are African-American and 24 (4.36%) are Hispanic.  We also have one Native American student and one of other origin.  A summary of the average class size, the demographic teacher and administrator profile by race, gender, and age, as well as the average years of teaching experience and the percentage of teachers with advanced degrees is included in Appendix D of our School Improvement Plan.  The table also reports the average per pupil expenditure.

Approximately 4% of the students at Slocomb Elementary are migrant students.  Most all of these are Hispanic and many speak Spanish as the primary language in the home.  These laborers come to our area as part of the tomato and bait bed industry.  The adults pick and box tomatoes. The need for workers in the tomato fields varies by the day.  Many dig worms in the bait beds on days when they are not needed in the tomato fields.  They come to our area from South Florida where the harvest season begins early in the year.  From here they go to North Alabama where the work begins later in the year.  They spend approximately two months of the year in Mexico before beginning the cycle again.  A county-wide migrant liaison is stationed at Slocomb Elementary School to help meet the special needs of this population.  Slocomb Elementary also provides a summer school for migrant children starting at age 3 and continuing until 5th grade.


108 South Hemby Street
Slocomb, AL 36375