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Student Conduct

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All students at Slocomb Elementary School are expected to conduct themselves in the manner of a good citizen and exhibit positive self-discipline. Good behavior is expected in all areas of the campus so that it does not interfere with the educational opportunities of other students. The classroom teacher is responsible for discipline in the classroom. Negative behavior on school grounds is expected to be corrected by all employees, which includes paraprofessional, custodian, cafeteria worker, secretary, and principal.

Rules that must be followed are:

1. Students will not disrupt a learning situation in the classroom by rude or negative behavior. This behavior includes hitting, kicking, stealing, tripping, pushing, cursing, and verbal abuse.

2. Students must show respect toward their teacher, other adults, and their classmates.

3. Students will be expected to treat school buildings as well as the grounds with respect and will help take care of it.

4. Students will be expected to do their best work and to complete all assignments.

5. Students are to walk, speak softly, and always be courteous of others in the halls, lunchroom, and classrooms.