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Security Notification

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NOTIFICATION: All persons having any reason to visit our ele-mentary school building must report to the main office through the front entrance. If you have an appointment to visit a classroom during instruction time, you must first sign in at the reception desk where you will be given a visitor’s badge to wear during your visit. Before leav-ing, you will need to return to the office to sign out. You will not need a visitor’s badge if you are visiting the office area only.

Teachers and staff members are instructed to question any non-employee without a visitor’s badge. Parents are encouraged to visit school and actively participate in the education of their children. We request that parents avoid conferences with the teacher during such visits, but rather schedule conferences for a mutually con-venient time. If you need to give your child a message, medi-cation, homework, lunch money, supplies, etc., the reception-ist or office staff will take care of this for you. These short class interruptions hamper valuable instruction time.

Important: If you are going to pick up your child during school hours, please wait in reception area. The receptionist or office staff will call for your child. The teaching staff are instructed to not release a student to anyone other than office personnel.